
Making baby food

Before Harper was even born, Brian and I decided that we wanted to make her baby food when she got to the solid stage.  We both love to eat fresh and organic foods whenever possible so this just made sense to us.  We love cooking homemade meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and eating them together as a family.  Making baby food is even easier than I ever thought it would be, and it tastes soooo much better than the jarred stuff (I know cause I've tried).  It also has been very cost effective for us, so that is a major plus. We are lucky that Harper is such a good eater.  The only thing she doesn't like is rice cereal, but who can blame her?

These are some of Harper's favorite foods that we've made for her:

Peas (Harper loves her peas)
Carrots (Steam, Puree, and freeze)
Sweet Potatoes (Peel and boil first)
Bananas (I usually sneak the rice cereal into this)
Watermelon (Her favorite!)
Strawberries (Brian loves to steal some of these cubes for his protein shakes)
Apples (can splash some cinnamon on these, mmmm)
and so much more ...peaches, pears, avocado....

It really is so easy!  These are the basic steps:

These containers are the best for on-the-go..

The last step is my favorite: find a ridiculously cute baby to help you clean the dirty dishes :)


  1. WOW, Erika is so lucky to have her mom make her healthy food and then let her eat it all by herself! She loves the whole experience! Love the pictures of Harper cleaning up!


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