
7 months

When people ask me how old Harper is, I find it so hard to say the words, "She's 7 months."  Maybe I'm in denial and I just don't want to believe it myself.

This is her transformation from 2 to 7 months in her Bumbo chair...

Along with her apearance, her personality has continued to change and develop in so many ways.  Her new favorite things to do include: rolling around everywhere, sitting herself up on her own, trying to stand, standing up next to the couch, saying "dadadadada" and many other babbles, playing with all of her toys (but her favorite always seem to be laptops, remotes, and cords),  exploring all different kinds of new foods, going "blhhhhh" at people and covering them in spit, demanding everyones attention in the room, going swimming, and so much more.

I can't believe she went from... 

...in what seems like just overnight.  I can't wait to see what the next 7 months bring!!!  Actually I can.  I can wait.


  1. She is the sweetest biddo girl in the whole wide world. I cannot believe how "tute" she is and that she knows how "tute" she is.

  2. Ditto on Dad's comments! He says it so BEAUTIFUL - for a "tute", BEAUTIFUL biddo girl!


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